FormGrep Studio


FormGrepStudio is a productivity work bench. It enables Oracle Forms and Reports developers to work smarter and faster. Developers benefit from FormGrepStudio when analyzing, modifying, customizing and auditing modules in any Oracle Forms and Reports based application system. With FormGrepStudio, Forms and Reports developers can do all following and more…

  • Perform searches including multiple strings and regular expressions on as many modules as exist in your application.
  • Calculate DIFFs between versions of modules.
  • Transform modules using advanced XSLT technology based on Open Source components.

New Features in FGS 2017 include...


  • 64-Bit Difference Engine – Calculates FMB, MMB and PLL module differences for 64-Bit Oracle Forms 11G2. Able to compare modules from different versions. For example, 11G2 FMBs can be compared to 10G2 FMBs.
  • Support for 12C Forms (64-Bit Forms).
  • Can search 12C FMBs, MMBs and PLLs. Can compare 12C FMBs, PLLs, and MMBs to 11G2 and 10G2 modules.
  • Search engines now provide detailed context for where the results of the search occur in the target modules. Previous versions of FormGrep produced a list of where the target strings occurred. The new feature displays the context using the FormBuilder IDE style.
  • The new “Class Diagrams” show the Property Class and Module names from where Object Properties are derived.


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“FormDiff has literally saved my life over the years. The amount of time saved can be measured in (wo)man years. Thanks for your great support.”

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